Creativity Meets Technology





Menoir Home and Dongjia Education carried out the internal training of "Efficient Execution" with great success


Mr. Peter Drucker, the father of modern management, once said: “Leadership is to raise a person’s spiritual realm to an unprecedented height, and to raise a person’s sense of responsibility to an unprecedented height. Only then can a person's potential and continuous innovation drive be developed, allowing him to make the kind of achievement he would never have imagined before. "Shu Lingyun is such a management tutor who has a high sense of responsibility and teaches what he has learned to others.

On March 2nd, Shu Lingyun, the tutor of the president of Dongjia Education, was invited by Menoir Home to teach all the students of Menoir Home "Efficient Execution", which was warmly welcomed by the students.

To improve execution, leading cadres, especially middle-level management cadres, are the key. Mencius said, "If there are good people at the top, there must be others at the bottom." Because middle-level management cadres are both executives and leaders, they have direct contact with the vast number of cadres and employees at the grassroots level, and their executive power is more exemplary and guiding.

Enhancing execution and vigorously creating an execution culture is the support. Execution is a kind of value and a kind of culture. Therefore, the company must pay attention to strengthening the cultural construction of execution, vigorously create a cultural environment of "no excuses", and take "no excuses" as the code of conduct for cadres and employees.Transform the implementation of the company's various rules and regulations into a conscious behavior, and realize the transformation from passive execution to active execution.

1: Responsible thinking
Managers must lead by example and teach by example more than words. The responsibility is the beginning of problem solving, and the responsibility is the beginning of real growth and enhance team execution.
2: Achievement Thinking
Value determines the price. Execution is to take 100% responsibility and get the results without compromise. Do X100=0 and achieve X1=100. What do you emphasize, what is the focus of the team, and what is the result of the enterprise.
3: wolfish thinking
People progress because of a sense of crisis
Virtuous and talented: high-quality goods reuse
Virtuous and untalented type: semi-finished products, development and training
Unethical and talented type: the principle of double open drugs
The first good among the capable people should be commended, and the first evil among the capable people should be resolutely won
4: High standards and strict requirements
If you want to become the number one in the industry, you must first make the standard the number one in the industry.
Execution is a kind of inertia, and a culture will be formed over time.
5: a grateful heart
Gratitude is actually everywhere. I am grateful for the opportunity given by the company and I am grateful for my dedication. Gratitude is a state of mind, a quality, and an art. Learn to be grateful and learn to love life. We will feel more happy.

I believe that with the joint efforts of everyone in the future,
The development of Menoir Home will definitely get better and better!
